продавець: ПРОФПРИБОР
Казахстан, Астана, вул. Кубрина, 26


показати телефон


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☎ показати телефон
Product Details Fluke Ti Visor 3 Sun Visor for Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 Infrared Cameras Reduce LCD screen glare and reflections in bright sunlight or other areas where ambient lighting conditions are bright with this durable, heavy-duty plastic accessory visor It can be used inside or outside, and clips onto the thermal imager without the need for any additional hardware It can be easily removed and stored when not in use

Product Details

Fluke Ti Visor 3

Sun Visor for Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 Infrared Cameras

Reduce LCD screen glare and reflections in bright sunlight or other areas where ambient lighting conditions are bright with this durable, heavy-duty plastic accessory visor
It can be used inside or outside, and clips onto the thermal imager without the need for any additional hardware
It can be easily removed and stored when not in use

Product Details

Fluke Ti Visor 3

Sun Visor for Ti400, Ti300 and Ti200 Infrared Cameras

Reduce LCD screen glare and reflections in bright sunlight or other areas where ambient lighting conditions are bright with this durable, heavy-duty plastic accessory visor
It can be used inside or outside, and clips onto the thermal imager without the need for any additional hardware
It can be easily removed and stored when not in use

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